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Annemiek Johanna Maria Cornelissen

Cursus :

Annemiek Johanna Maria Cornelissen est chercheuse au Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (CNRS).

Affiliation : Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (CNRS)

Statut : Chercheuse

Exposé(s) :
Morphogenesis of gastrovascular canal network in Aurelia jellyfish
Annemiek Johanna Maria Cornelissen
Patterns in biology can be considered as predetermined or arising from a selforganizing instability. Variability in the pattern can, thus, be interpreted as a trace of instability, growing out from noise. Studying this variabili...
Mots-clés : méduse , morphogénétique , Séminaire Cavaillès