Cursus :
Shuly Wintner is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Haifa, Israel. His research spans various areas of computational linguistics and natural language processing, including formal grammars, morphology, syntax, language resources, machine translation, and child language acquisition. He was the editor-in-chief of Springer's Research on Language and Computation, a program co-chair of EACL-2006, and is now the general chair of EACL-2014. He was among the founders, and twice (6 years) the chair, of ACL SIG Semitic. Currently, he serves as the Head of the Department of Computer Science in Haifa.
Affiliation : Université d'Haifa - Isräel
Statut : Professeur
Liens :
- Page personnelle de Shuly Wintner- Université d'Haifa - Isräel