Accueil/ conferencier
Derek Sayer

Cursus :

Derek Sayer is Professor at Lancaster University. He was originally trained in sociology, and wrote a number of books on classical social theory and state formation. Latterly he has used modern Czech history, and especially the modern history of the city of Prague, as a laboratory in which to explore the many-sidedness of "the modern condition," focusing in particular on cultural history, including architecture, music, and the visual arts.

Publications :

Hypermodernism in the Boondocks: Photo/Montage and the Czech Book, D. 06/2010 In: Oxford Art Journal. 

Soyutlamanin Siddeti: Tarihsel Materyalizmin analitik temelleri [The Violence of Abstraction: The Analytic Foundations of Historical Materialism], D. 2012 Istanbul, Turkey: Habitus. 

Andre Breton and the Magic Capital: an agony in six fits, D. 2012 In: Bohemia. 

Crossed Wires: On the Prague-Paris Surrealist Telephone, D. 2012 In: Common Knowledge. 

Pod Stalinem: field notes from another modernity, Journal of Classical Sociology, 2013

Prague, Capital of the Twentieth Century,  Princeton University Press, 2013

Affiliation : Lancaster University

Statut : Professeur

Liens :

   - Lancaster University

Exposé(s) :
'All the beauties of the world': modernism, seen from twentieth-century Prague
Derek Sayer

Conférence donnée par Derek Sayer dans le cadre du colloque "Global art history and the peripheries", organisé par le Artl@s project à l'ENS.

Despite being at the forefront of European modernism during the first half of the twentie...
Mots-clés : Art , Avant-garde , cubisme , France , Global art history and the peripheries , modernisme , République Tchèque