Publications :
Guivarch C., Crassous R., Sassi O., and Hallegatte S., 2011. The costs of climate policies in a second best world with labour market imperfections. Climate Policy, 11, 768-788
Hallegatte, S., J. Corfee-Morlot, Editors, 2011, Understanding climate change impacts and vulnerability at city scale, Special Issue of Climatic Change, 104(1), 1-12
Hallegatte S., F. Henriet, J. Corfee-Morlot, 2011, The Economics of Climate Change Impacts and Policy Benefits at City Scale: A Conceptual Framework, Climatic Change, 104(1), 51-87
Hanson, S., R. Nicholls, N. Ranger, S. Hallegatte, J. Corfee-Morlot, C. Herweijer, J. Chateau, 2011, A Global Ranking of Port Cities with High Exposure to Climate Extremes, Climatic Change, 104(1), 89-111
Hallegatte S., N. Ranger, O. Mestre, P. Dumas, J. Corfee-Morlot, C. Herweijer, R. Muir Wood, 2011, Assessing Climate Change Impacts, Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Risk in Port Cities: A Case Study on Copenhagen, Climatic Change, 104(1), 113-137
Ranger N., S. Hallegatte, S. Bhattacharya, M. Bachu, S. Priya, K. Dhore, F. Rafique, P. Mathur, N. Naville, F. Henriet, C. Herweijer, S. Pohit, J. Corfee-Morlot, 2011. A Preliminary Assessment of the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Flood Risk in Mumbai, Climatic Change, 104(1), 139-167
Corfee-Morlot J., I. Cochran, P.-J. Teasdale, and S. Hallegatte, 2011. Multilevel Governance and Deliberative Practice to Support Local Climate Action, Climatic Change, 104(1), 169-197
Hallegatte, S., Quels sont les impacts socio-économiques du changement climatique. In Climat : une planète et des hommes. Club des Argonautes, Le Cherche Midi.
Viguie, V., Hallegatte, S., 2011. Une taxe carbone peut-elle rendre l’agglomération Parisienne plus dense ?, in press
Dumas P., M. Ghil, A. Groth, and S. Hallegatte, 2011, Dynamic coupling of the climate and macroeconomic systems, Math. Social Sci., to appear
Hallegatte, S., 2011. Challenges ahead: risk management and cost-benefit analysis in a climate change context, in ―The Economic Impact of Natural Disaster‖, D. Guha-Sapir, I. Santos (Eds.)
Groth A., Ghil M., Hallegatte S., and Dumas P., 2011. Quantitative description of U.S. business cycles using multivariate singular spectral analysis, submitted
F. Henriet, S. Hallegatte, L. Tabourier, 2011. Firm-Network Characteristics and Economic Robustness to Natural Disasters, submitted
J. Wu, N. Li, S. Hallegatte, P. Shi, A. Hu, 2011. A Preliminary Assessment of Indirect Economic Losses from the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China, submitted
Dumas, P., S. Hallegatte, 2011: Climate Change Economic Damages: Influence of Inertia Heterogeneity and Ripple Effects in a Two-Sector Model, submitted
Hallegatte, S., V. Przyluski, A. Vogt-Schilb, 2011. World narratives for impact, adaptation and vulnerability analyses, submitted
Viguié, V., S. Hallegatte, 2011. The impact of a carbon tax on Paris metropolitan area and its population, submitted
Hallegatte, S., 2011. Modeling the role of inventories in the assessment of natural disaster economic costs: application on hurricane Katrina in Louisiana
Affiliation : Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement & Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie, Météo-France
Statut : Climatologue et économiste
Liens :
- Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement- Ecole Nationale de la Météorologie
- CV de Stéphane Hallegatte
- Page personnelle de Stéphane Hallegatte au CIRED