Cursus :
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, professor of Philosophy of Science at the University Florence is a past president of the "International Quantum Structure Association", of the "Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science" and a past vicepresident of the "Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science".
Now she is the president of the "Florence Center for the History and Philosophy of Science".
She is the author of a number of books and articles concerning the following fields: quantum logic, quantum computation, foundations and philosophy of quantum theory, semantics of physical theories, theories of meaning.
Publications :
MariaLogics from quantum computation”, International Journal of Quantum Information 3 (2005), 293-337 (with R. Giuntini and R. Leporini).
"Qubit semantics and quantum trees'', International Journal of Theoretical Physics 44 (2005), 971-983 (with R. Giuntini, A. Leporati and R. Leporini).
“Reasonableness from the (quantum) logical point of view", Yearbook of Philosophical Hermeneutics 1 (2004) 39-45 (with R. Giuntini).
“An unsharp quantum logic from quantum computation”, in P. Weingartner (ed.), Alternative logics. Do sciences need them?, Springer, Berlin, 323-338 (with G. Cattaneo and R. Giuntini).
“Popper and the logic of quantum mechanics”, in I. Jarvie, K. Milford, D. Miller (eds.), Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2006, Vol.3, 49-56 (with R. Giuntini).
“Quantum computational semantics on Fock space”, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, to appear (with R. Giuntini, S. Gudder and R. Leporini).
“A formal analysis of musical scores, Mathematica Slovaca 56 (2006), 1-19 (with R. Giuntini).
“Compositional and holistic quantum computational semantics”, Natural Computing 6 (2007), 113-132 (with R. Giuntini and R. Leporini).
“The history of quantum logic”, in D. Gabbay , J. Woods (eds.), Handbook of the History of Logic, Elsevier, 2007, Vol.8, 205-283 (with R. Giuntini and M. Rédei).
“Holistic quantum computational semantics and Gestalt-thinking”, in A. Bassi, D. Dürr, T. Weber. N. Zanghì (eds), Quantum Mechanics, AIP, 2006, 86-100 (with R. Giuntini and G. Toraldo di Francia).
"Scienza e conoscenza", in S. Mancini (a cura di), Sguardi sulla scienza dal giardino dei pensieri, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano, 2007, 19-38 (con G. Toraldo di Francia).
"From quantum mechanics to music'', Advanced Science Letters 1 (2008), 169-178 (with R. Giuntini and E. Negri).
"Quantum computational logics and possible applications'', International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47 (2008), 44-60 (with R. Giuntini, R. Leporini and G. Toraldo di Francia).
"Quantum logic and non-classical logics, in K.Engesser, D.Gabbay, D.Lehmann (eds.), Handbook of quantum logic and quantum structures, Elsevier, 2008, 127-226 (with G.Cattaneo, R. Giuntini and F.
Affiliation : Université de Florence (Italie) - Département de philosophie
Statut : Professeur de philosophie des sciences
Liens :
- Département de philosophie de l'université de Florence- Page personnelle de Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara à l'université de Florence
- Université de Florence