Accueil/ conferencier
Ray Goldstein

Cursus :


Formé au MIT et à Cornell, il travaille sur  physique  statistique, la dynamique non linéaire, la dynamique des fluides et la biologie

Professeur  : Systèmes physiques complexes au département de  mathématiques appliquées et de physique théorique.
Ses recherches sont centrées sur les questions de dynamique en physique et biologie.

Publications :

1. Soap-Film Möbius Strip Changes Topology With a Twist Singularity, Raymond E. Goldstein, H. Keith Moffatt, Adriana I. Pesci, and Renzo L. Ricca, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 21979-21984 (2010)
2. Fluid Velocity Fluctuations in a Suspension of Swimming Protists, Ilia Rushkin, Vasily Kantsler, and Raymond E. Goldstein, Physical Review Letters 105, 188101 (2010)
3. Direct Measurement of the Flow Field Around Swimming Microorganisms, Knut Drescher, Raymond E. Goldstein, Nicolas Michel, Marco Polin, and Idan Tuval, Physical Review Letters 105, 168101 (2010)
4. Fidelity of Adaptive Phototaxis, Knut Drescher, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Idan Tuval, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107, 11171-11176 (2010)
5. On the Mechanisms of Icicle Evolution, Jerome. A. Neufeld, Raymond E. Goldstein, and M. Grae Worster, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 647, 287-308 (2010)
6. Measurement of Cytoplasmic Streaming in Single Plant Cells by Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry, Jan-Willem van de Meent, Andy J. Sederman, Lynn F. Gladden, and Raymond E. Goldstein, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 642, 5-14 (2010)
7. Dynamics of Enhanced Tracer Diffusion in Suspensions of Swimming Eukaryotic Microorganisms, Kyriacos C. Leptos, Jeffrey S. Guasto, J.P. Gollub, Adriana I. Pesci, and Raymond E. Goldstein, Physical Review Letters 103, 198103 (2009)
8. Noise and Synchronization in Pairs of Beating Eukaryotic Flagella, Raymond E. Goldstein, Marco Polin, and Idan Tuval, Physical Review Letters 103, 168103 (2009)

Affiliation : Cambridge University - Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Statut : Professor

Liens :

   - Université de Cambridge
   - Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics of University of Cambridge
   - Page personnelle de Ray Goldstein à l'université de Cambridge

Exposé(s) :
Physics of Multicellularity
Ray Goldstein

One of the most fundamental issues in biology is the nature of evolutionary transitions from single cell organisms to multicellular ones. Not surprisingly for microscopic life in a fluid environment, many of the processes involved are related to t...
Mots-clés : Biologie , Colloquium / Séminaire général du département de physique , Multicellulaire