Cursus :
Le professeur Harry W. Green dirige l'Institut de géophysique et de physique planétaire, il est également directeur du département des sciences de la terre à l'université de Californie, Riverside. USA.
Publications :
- Zhang, J., Green II, H.W. 2007. Experimental investigation of eclogite rheology and its fabrics at high temperature and pressure. J. Metamorphic Geology 25:97-115
. - Liu X-W, Jin ZM, Green, II, H.W. 2007. Clinoenstatite Exsolution in Diopsidic Augite of Dabieshan: Garnet Peridotite from Depth of 300km. American Mineralogist 92:546-552.
- Green II, H.W. 2007. Shearing Instabilities Accompanying High-Pressure Phase Transformations and the Mechanics of Deep Earthquakes. Proceedings of National Academy Sciences (PNAS published on line April 27, 2007; doi:10.1073/pnas.0608045104). Invited
- Yang JS, Dobrzhinetskaya LF, Bai WJ, Fang QS, Robinson PT, Zhang, J., Green II HW. 2007. Diamond- and coesite-bearing chromitites from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet Geology 35: 875-878.
- Liu L., Zhang J, Green II HW, Jin Z-M, Bozhilov K. 2007. Evidence of Former Stishovite in Metamorphosed Sediments: Exhumation from >300 km. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 263:180-191.
- Jung, H., Won, M., Green, II, H.W., 2009. Upper mantle seismic anisotropy resulting from pressure-induced slip transition in olivine. Nature Geoscience 2:74-77; Published on line 12/2008 doi: 10.1038/NGEO389.
- Dobrzhinetskaya, LF, Wirth, R., Yang, J., Hutcheon, I., Weber, P. Green II, H.W. 2009. High pressure highly reduced nitrides and oxides from chromite of a Tibetan ophiolite. PNAS Early Edition: www.pnas.org_cgi_doi_10.1073_pnas.0905514106.
- Green, HW II, Chen, W-P, Brudzinski, M. 2010. Seismic evidence of negligible water carried below 400-km depth in subducting lithosphere. Nature doi:10.1038/nature09401.
Affiliation : Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics/ Univ. of California
Statut : Director/Professeur
Liens :
- Page personnelle d'Harry W. Green sur le site de l'université de Californie- Riverside University of California
- Page personnelle d'Harry W. Green II sur le site de l'Université de californie