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Harry W. Green

Cursus :

Le professeur Harry W. Green dirige l'Institut de géophysique et de physique planétaire, il est également directeur  du département  des sciences de la terre à l'université de Californie, Riverside. USA.

Publications :

- Zhang, J., Green II, H.W. 2007. Experimental investigation of eclogite rheology and its fabrics at high temperature and pressure. J. Metamorphic Geology 25:97-115

. - Liu X-W, Jin ZM, Green, II, H.W. 2007. Clinoenstatite Exsolution in Diopsidic Augite of Dabieshan: Garnet Peridotite from Depth of 300km. American Mineralogist 92:546-552.

- Green II, H.W. 2007. Shearing Instabilities Accompanying High-Pressure Phase Transformations and the Mechanics of Deep Earthquakes. Proceedings of National Academy Sciences (PNAS published on line April 27, 2007; doi:10.1073/pnas.0608045104). Invited

- Yang JS, Dobrzhinetskaya LF, Bai WJ, Fang QS, Robinson PT, Zhang, J., Green II HW. 2007. Diamond- and coesite-bearing chromitites from the Luobusa ophiolite, Tibet Geology 35: 875-878.

- Liu L., Zhang J, Green II HW, Jin Z-M, Bozhilov K. 2007. Evidence of Former Stishovite in Metamorphosed Sediments: Exhumation from >300 km. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 263:180-191.

- Jung, H., Won, M., Green, II, H.W., 2009. Upper mantle seismic anisotropy resulting from pressure-induced slip transition in olivine. Nature Geoscience 2:74-77; Published on line 12/2008 doi: 10.1038/NGEO389.

- Dobrzhinetskaya, LF, Wirth, R., Yang, J., Hutcheon, I., Weber, P. Green II, H.W. 2009. High pressure highly reduced nitrides and oxides from chromite of a Tibetan ophiolite. PNAS Early Edition: www.pnas.org_cgi_doi_10.1073_pnas.0905514106.

- Green, HW II, Chen, W-P, Brudzinski, M. 2010. Seismic evidence of negligible water carried below 400-km depth in subducting lithosphere. Nature doi:10.1038/nature09401.

Affiliation : Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics/ Univ. of California

Statut : Director/Professeur

Liens :

   - Page personnelle d'Harry W. Green sur le site de l'université de Californie
   - Riverside University of California
   - Page personnelle d'Harry W. Green II sur le site de l'Université de californie

Exposé(s) :
Mechanisms of Deep Earthquakes and Implications for Shallow Ones
Harry W. Green

The fundamental difference between earthquakes at depths shallower than 50 km and those deeper than that is that the former are generated by stresses exceeding static friction on existing faults (primarily) and the latter require a "fluid"-...
Mots-clés : Cycle de conférences Géosciences 2011-2012 , Séisme , tremblement de terre

Ultrahigh pressure minerals from both downwelling and upwelling environments : Snapshots of mantle convection on a grand scale.
Harry W. Green

Conférence de Harry W. Green

I entered this field in the last stage, using microstructures + high-pressure experiments to understand these exciting rocks. Our first studies evoked great controversy ; I will use this controversy to de...
Mots-clés : Environnement , géologie , minéralogie , minéraux , roche , Séisme , Séminaire du département de Géosciences , tremblement de terre