Cursus :
Andrew Gettelman is a Scientist III with a Joint Appointment in the Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) and Atmospheric Chemistry Division (ACD). Andrew received his doctorate in Atmospheric Sciences and a certificate in Environmental Management from the University of Washington, Seattle and his Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University. His research interests include: defining transport and chemistry in the tropical tropopause layer, stratosphere troposphere exchange,impacts of commercial aviation on atmospheric chemistry and climate,understanding and modeling clouds and ice microphysics and the interactions of clouds and aerosols.
Andrew works extensively with satellite and in-situ observations. He is also a core developer of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) and has recently lead development of microphysics and aerosol packages for the advanced physics version of the model. Andrew helped organize and teach the NCAR tutorial on climate modeling. Andrew has contributed extensively to models and assessments for climate and ozone depletion and is co-coordinator of the Chemistry-Climate Model Validation (CCMVal) project, the coordinating project for model simulations in support of the WMO assessments of ozone depletion.
Publications :
Gettelman, A., X. Liu, D. Barahona, U. Lohmann and C.-C. Chen, Climate Impacts of Cirrus Ice Nucleation, submitted to J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
Gettelman, A., J. E. Kay and K. M. Shell, The Evolution of Climate Sensitivity and Climate Feedbacks in the Community Atmosphere Model, J. Climate 25:5
Gettelman, A., P. Hoor, L. L. Pan, W. J. Randel , M. I. Hegglin and T. Birner, The Extratropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Rev. Geophys
Gettelman, A. et al. Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Tropics and global trends, J. Geophys. Res., 115,
Affiliation : NCAR - Boulder Colorado
Statut : Scientifique
Liens :
- NCAR - Boulder Colorado- Page personnelle d'Andrew Gettelman