Conférence de Jeanne Lazarus lors du colloque "Pricing, Practices, Ranking" organisé par le département de Sciences Sociales et le département d’Économie.
Cinquième session. Technologies of Evaluation / 2
My presentation will be based on my current work about Financial Literacy policies that spread all over the world. Those policies are based on the idea that people are financially illiterate and that governments must implement programs to help their citizens to improve their knowledge, but also their behavior and attitude. In this presentation I will address the specific categories used in this political agenda. I will analyze how the OECD, through definitions, publications, the sharing of good practices, international conferences and large surveys, contribute to the construction of a specific framing of those issues. Then, I will highlight the gap between the good uses of money described by this framework and the way poor people count by presenting the result of a survey of one of the largest French financial education organization
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Cursus :
Jeanne Lazarus est sociologue, chargée de recherche au CNRS, membre du Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO, Sciences Po). Ses travaux portent sur la financiarisation des rapports sociaux et de la vie quotidienne.
Cliquer ICI pour fermerDernière mise à jour : 27/11/2015