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Crime and Money: Monetary Hierarchy in the Penitentiary World
mardi 30 juin 2015

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Conférence de Alexandre Roig lors du colloque "Pricing, Practices, Ranking" organisé par le département de Sciences Sociales et le département d’Économie

Sixième session: Twenty years after The Social Meaning of Money : A discussion with Viviana Zelizer

In this paper, I offer an account of the circulation of commodities and monies in prison where trade, whether monetary or not, is forbidden. Drawing from a collective ethnographic research, I discuss the social mechanisms that lead to the ranking of people and objects that money reifies. The analysis of monetary forms casts light on the social dynamics at play in the carceral system as well as the relative status of “chorros” (thieves) and “transas” (dealers). In doing so, this work contributes to our understanding of the essence of money.

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Alexandre Roig
Universidad Nationale de San Martin (Buenos Aires)
Professeur de sociologie

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Cursus :

Alexandre Roig, doctorant de l'EHESS, est professeur de Sociologie à l'Université de San Martin à Buenos Aires en Argentine.

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Dernière mise à jour : 27/11/2015