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Cosmostatistics: Tackling Big Data from the Sky
mardi 03 octobre 2017

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Conférence de Jean-Luc Starck lors du colloquium Data Science Colloquium de l'ENS.

Since the dawn of time, humans have been wondering about their place in the Universe. Over the past century, advances in modern physics, technology and engineering, along with the unique possibilities offered by space missions, have opened new windows to explore the cosmos. All-sky surveys, with observations across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, are the best strategy to fully understand and model the Universe in detail. Major upcoming research facilities, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the Euclid space telescopes will provide key elements to addressing this challenge, by producing high quality data of petabyte volumes. These surveys prove to be a major 'big data' challenge, which require the development of innovative statistical methods essential both for the data analysis and their physical interpretation. I will present some highlights of this methodology and more sp ecifically show how novel techniques of sparsity and compressed sensing open new perspectives in analysing cosmological data. These enable us to answer fundamental questions about the nature of our Universe with impressive accuracy.

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Jean-Luc Starck
CEA Sarclay

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Cursus :

Jean-Luc Starck est directeur de recherche et responsable du laboratoire CosmoStat de l'Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'univers au Service d'Astrophysique, CEA-Saclay, France. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Observatoire de Nice et d'une Habilitation de l'Université Paris XI.  Depuis 1994, il est chercheur titulaire au CEA. Il a créé en 2010 le laboratoire CosmoStat et est fortement impliqué dans la mission spatiale Euclid ESA. Il a reçu le prix EADS de l'Académie des Sciences en 2011.

Ses travaux de recherche portent sur les méthodes statistiques et leurs applications en cosmologie.

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Dernière mise à jour : 07/11/2017