What language will dominate in Ukraine soon? Ukrainian? Russian? English? Each contestant is widely spread and potent, yet none functions alone. Together they produce an unprecedented environment. Their contrasting vocabularies, grammars, euphonies, styles, dialects, even alphabets and accents interact so weirdly, variably and vigorously we should ask otherwise. What sort of (each?) language will our new generations speak and write? By what features of the land’s voice will the Earth recognize a future Ukrainian? The research removes blinkers of bias from the official statistics on the two tongues allegedly known in Ukraine. Obviously, more languages prove vital and allow translations among themselves.
Séance lors de la session "Langues biélorusse et ukrainienne comme éléments déterminants des identités - Situation d’aujourd’hui et perspectives". Conférence donnée par Vitaliy Radchuk (Université Kiyv) dans le cadre de la Semaine culturelle L’Ukraine et la Biélorussie organisée à l'ENS.
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