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Death That Matters: Sartre vs. Epicurus
jeudi 14 décembre 2023

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Death That Matters: Sartre vs. Epicurus

Un exposé du philosophe Ondra Kvapil  ((ENS-PSL) donné à l'ENS lors du colloque Death and the Philosophy of our Time / La mort en philosophie contemporaine proposant une série d'exposés autour de la signification philosophique de la mort.

If we make a problem of 'life', and then just occasionally have regard for death too, our view is too short-sighted.

—Martin HEIDEGGER, Being and Time, § 63

The question of death is as old as philosophy itself. Intertwined, the two have undergone endless transformations throughout the history of mankind over the millennia. Not until recently, however, have the major philosophical concepts, in terms of which we think of ourselves, been defined to take our mortality fully into account. The profound differences between these concepts have been brought to light at the same time. Who are we, the mortals, then? The beings who are, first of all, alive and who perpetually oppose themselves to the perpetually evolving menace of the interruption of their lives – or rather the beings who exist and who project themselves, in one way or another, upon the always indeterminate and yet certain possibility of their non-existence? – Or perhaps, the mortal subjects, fragile and passionate, ever redefining themselves and never complete? Do these notions exclude one another, or are they concurrent? If so, in which way and to which extent? And what is it to be a mortal as the 21st century slowly unfolds and the world which we inhabit becomes increasingly mortal too? Death, deemed inconceivable and unthinkable by various important thinkers, keeps provoking our thought.

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Ondra Kvapil
Ecole normale supérieure -PSL

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Cursus :

Ondra Kvapil est doctorant au département de philosophie de l'ENS-PSL.

Après avoir donné plusieurs cours de philosophie contemporaine, notamment sur Heidegger, au département de philosophie à l’Université Charles de Prague, Ondra Kvapil a commencé une thèse à l’ENS sous la direction de Frédéric Worms. En s’appuyant sur les textes classiques ainsi que les débats contemporains, il se pose dans sa recherche la question de savoir comment penser la mort au vingt-et-unième siècle.

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Dernière mise à jour : 06/07/2023