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The Mediterranean, Mental Mapping and Historical Contexts
mercredi 20 mars 2024

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« The Mediterranean, Mental Mapping and Historical Contexts »

Une conférence par l'historien Robert Rollinger (Université d’Innsbruck), professeur invité par Anca Dan et Julien Zurbach, dans le cadre du séminaire en mars 2024 organisé par l'EUR Translitteræ.

Dans ce cadre, Robert Rollinger a proposé un programme de conférences intitulé  Entanglements of the Greek, Neo-Assyrian and Iranian worlds.

Until the late 8th century BC ancient Near Eastern sources conceptualised the Mediterranean primarily as the ‘upper sea’ that marked an unlimited border zone of the world towards the west. This mental map changed considerably since the 9th century BC, if not earlier, when Levantine mariners started to explore the entire Mediterranean. With the subjugation of the Levantine cities by the Neo-Assyrian empire, the Assyrians made this new geographical worldview their own. Thereby, for the very first time in history, the Mediterranean was perceived as an inland sea and as a unity of its own.
The conference will follow and reconstruct the essential steps and developments in the creation of this new worldview that can be characterized as a major heritage of the ancient Near East towards our times.

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Robert Rollinger
Université d’Innsbruck

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Cursus :

Robert Rollinger est professeur d'histoire ancienne et d'études sur le Proche-Orient ancien à l'université Leopold-Franzens d'Innsbruck.

Ses principaux domaines de recherche sont l'histoire du Proche-Orient ancien et de l'empire achéménide, les contacts entre le monde égéen et le Proche-Orient ancien, l'historiographie ancienne et l'histoire comparée des empires.

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Dernière mise à jour : 28/06/2024