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György Gergely

Cursus :

György Gergely a fait ses études de psychologie à University College London et à l’Université de Columbia où il a obtenu un doctorat en psycholinguistique expérimentale. Il a également obtenu un second doctorat en Psychologie Clinique de l’Enfant à l’Université HIETE de Budapest. Ses recherches portent principalement sur le développement social et cognitif et l’apprentissage culturel, la compréhension de l’action et le raisonnement téléologique dans la petite enfance, la théorie de l’esprit et la psychopathologie du développement. Il publie dans trois grands domaines: sciences cognitives, développement cognitif et socio-émotionnel et théorie développementale clinique et psychanalytique et psychopathologie du développement. Plusieurs prix internationaux ont récompensé ses travaux (e.g., Guggenheim Fellowship, 2004, Sylvia Brody Prize for Developmental Research, NYPA, 2004; Gradiva Prize for best book on clinical theory, 2003, NAAP, USA; APA’s Beach Comparative Psychology Award, 2001, Resident Fellow, CASBS, Stanford, 2007-8; Charles Simonyi Research Prize, 2010).

Publications :

  • Gergely, G. (1991) Free word order and discourse interpretation: Experimental studies on Hungarian sentence processing.  Budapest: MTA Academic Press.
  • Fonagy, P., Gergely, G., Jurist, E., & Target, M. (2002). Affect-regulation, mentalization, and the development of the self. New York: Other Press. Published in Italian as Regolazione affettiva, mentalizzazione e sviluppo del sé (2005). Milan: Raffaello Cortina Editore 
  • Csibra, G. & Gergely, G. (Eds.). Humans and culture: The origins of cultural knowledge and its transition mechanisms, Monographs of the Psychological Bulletin, 11,  Budapest: Academic Press, 2007.
  • Csibra, G., & Gergely, G. (in prep.): The origins of mindsight. To be published by Oxford University Press.

Affiliation : Central European University

Statut : Professeur

Liens :

   - Page personnelle de György Gergely
   - Central European University

Exposé(s) :
Opaque Knowledge
Gergely Csibra , György Gergely

Instrumental actions performed by non-human primate species pursue a restricted range of goals that directly satisfy basic biological needs of the actor, and employ means that are transparently related to the physical properties of the goal objec...
Mots-clés : animal , communication , Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011 , enfant , expérimentation , Neurosciences

Being Addressed
Gergely Csibra , György Gergely

"In order to learn from others by communication, human infants must interpret certain acts as communicative in nature. We propose that there are at least two ways by which infants are prepared to receive information from others. First, they posses...
Mots-clés : communication , Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011 , enfant , Langage , non-verbal , pédagogie , verbal

Natural Pedagogy
Gergely Csibra , György Gergely

"Ostensive communication evolved as a species-unique form of epistemic cooperation in humans. Communication can induce epistemic gain both by means of ostensive reference to relevant episodic information about a particular referent (when the relev...
Mots-clés : communication , Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011 , enfant , pédagogie , pédagogie naturelle , transmission

Non-Verbal Generics
Gergely Csibra , György Gergely

"Non-verbal demonstratives, like pointing to something or showing something up, pick out their referents as particular objects or sets of objects individuated by spatial means. Despite of this, we have repeatedly found in studies with human infant...
Mots-clés : communication , Conférences Jean -Nicod 2011 , non-verbal

The pragmatic Sense : Natural Pedagogy and Developmental Pragmatics
György Gergely

Exposé de Gyorgy Gergely lors de la table-ronde intitulée "The development of teacher-learner interaction" dans le cadre du colloque international organisé par le Groupe Compas (Ecole normale supérieure), avec le so...
Mots-clés : apprentissage , enseignement , La cognition du maître , pédagogie , pédagogie naturelle , raisonnement