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Chat de Schrödinger

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Exposés (2)  Titre        Date 
Universal scalings in evolving and stationary wave turbulence
Sergey Nazarenko
« Universal scalings in evolving and stationary wave turbulence » Using the Nonlinear-Schrodinger (NLS) equation as a master model, I will present analytical and numerical results concerning several types of universal scaling regimes in wave tur...
Catégories : Colloquium / Séminaire général du département de physique
Mots-clefs: équation, turbulence, Chat de Schrödinger
The quantum world of massive mechanical objects
Yiwen Chu
« The quantum world of massive mechanical objects »One of the first model systems we encounter in quantum mechanics class is a mass on a spring. However, in practice, it is not easy to observe a massive mechanical object exhibiting the quantum proper...
Mots-clefs: Physique quantique, mécanique quantique, Chat de Schrödinger