Conférence donnée dans le cadre de la table ronde "Monnaies et économies au 19e siècle" à l'occasion du programme ANR DANIM (La Dépréciation de l’Argent Monétaire et les relations Internationales) en partenariat avec le Labex TransferS.
Coordination : Georges Depeyrot, Chargé de recherches au CNRS.
Exposé de Jürgen Nautz sur l'histoire économique de l'Empire austro-hongrois, le compromis de 1867 qui établit la double monarchie Autriche-Hongrie et ses conséquences sur la monnaie et le budget commun.
After the defeat of the Austrian Empire at the battle of Königgrätz (1866), the government cancelled the Vienna Coinage Treaty of 1857. From 1867 on Austria adjusted its coinage to the Latin Monetary Union and its bimetallic standard but never joint the LMU.
For a long time the debate about the reform of the monetary system continued. The position of the different economic sectors depended to the influence of the monetary system on their export chances and their foreign debts. The debate about the right way lasted until 1892. In this year Austria adopted a gold standard, much later than nearly all other European countries which had adopted the gold standard by the end of the 1870s. Austria adherence on the silver standard had entailed steadily growing losses. The paper discusses the discourse about the appropriate bullion basis for the reform of the monetary system: silver, gold or bimetallism.
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Cursus :
Jürgen Nautz est professeur d'histoire de l'économie au département d'Economie à l'Université de Vienne.
Cliquer ICI pour fermerDernière mise à jour : 27/06/2012