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First cosmological results from the Planck satellite
jeudi 11 avril 2013

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Conférence de physique donnée par François Bouchet et organisée par le département de physique.

Sketched out in 1992, selected by ESA in 1996, launched in 2009, Planck will have delivered on March 21st its first full sky maps of the millimetric emission at 9 frequencies, as well as those which follow from them, and in particular Planck map of the anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The later displays minuscule variations as a function of the observing direction of the temperature of the fossile radiation around its mean temperature of 2.725K. I will briefly describe how these high resolution maps with a precision of a few parts in a million have been obtained, from collection to analysis of the first 500 billion samples of our HFI instrument.

CMB anisotropies reveal the imprint of the primordial fluctuations which initiate the growth of the large scale structures of the Universe, as transformed by their evolution, in particular during the first 370 000 years, i.e. till the Universe became transparent and the forming of the image we record today. The statistical characteristics of these anisotropies allow constraining jointly the physics of the creation of the primordial fluctuations and that of their evolution. They teach us the possible value of the parameters of the models which we confront to data. I will describe Planck estimates of the density of the constituents of the Universe (usual matter, cold dark matter or CDM, dark energy...), and their implication in terms of derived quantities like the expansion rate or the spatial curvature. I will review what we learnt on the generation of the fluctuation, and will discuss extensions of the standard cosmological model, so called "Lambda-CDM", both in term of non minimal physical models — multi-field inflation for instance, or additional constituents - like cosmic strings or a fourth neutrino.

Finally, I will briefly describe other promising results on the matter distribution which is travelled through by the CMB image on its long 13.7 billion years trip towards us. I will mention in particular what we can learn on the dark matter distribution - which is detected through its distorting effet of the CMB image by gravitationnal lensing, or that of hot gaz, which is revealed by the spectral distortion it induces.

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François Bouchet
Institut d’astrophysique de Paris
Directeur de recherche CNRS

Plus sur cet auteur
Voir la fiche de l'auteur

Cursus :

François Bouchet est directeur de recherches à l'Institut d'astrophysique de Paris

François Bouchet travaille sur la cosmologie : structures à grande échelle, dynamique et statistique des systèmes auto-gravitants, des cordes cosmiques, anisotropies du fond diffus cosmologique et techniques d'analyse de données correspondantes, formation et évolution des galaxies et simulations numériques.

Responsable scientifique de Planck-HFI, il est l'un des trois fondateurs du projet Planck. Il est responsable du centre de traitement des données de l'instrument HFI et son équipe est au coeur de l'étude de l'univers primordial d'après la carte du rayonnement fossile.


- 1983 : thèse de 3e cycle en physique théorique, université Paris-VI,  intitulée "Croissance des fluctuations primordiales et distribution des galaxies"
- 1984-1985 : chargé de recherches au centre de physique théorique de l'Ecole polytechnique et chercheur associé à l'Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- 1986-1988 : mis à disposition de l'université de Californie en tant qu'astronome visiteur du département d'astronomie de Berkeley
- 1992 : habilitation à diriger des recherches, intitulée "les grandes structures de l'univers"
- Depuis 1993 : directeur de recherches du CNRS


En 1993, Prix de la Société française des spécialistes en astronomie

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Dernière mise à jour : 15/07/2013