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The Economic Contacts of Sinope with the Other Centers of Black Sea
mardi 24 mars 2015

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Exposé de Dominique Kassab-Tezgör lors du colloque "La mer Noire (4e-7e siècles apr. J.-C.) la fin du monde antique, début d’un ordre nouveau ? "
Organisateurs: Anca Dan (Paris), Hans-Joachim Gehrke (Fribourg-en-Brisgau / Berlin), Alexandr Podossinov (Moscou).

The Economic Contacts of Sinope with the Other Centers of Black Sea between the 5th to the 7th centuries AD

This study, based on amphorae exported from and to Sinope, is aimed to give a general picture of Sinope’s relations with different Black Sea cities, such as Gorgippia or Olbia. The catalogue of different Sinopean amphora types in Late Antiquity gives us the occasion to discuss the valuable information given by these containers, but also the limits to which we are confronted when we want to investigate the trade. The two main obstacles are, on one hand, our incomplete information (lack of excavations, absence of publications) and, on the other hand, the successive invasions which have affected alternately the different areas of the Black Sea, bringing an economical instability.

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Dominique Kassab-Tezgör
Université de Bilkent, Ankara

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Cursus :

Dominique Kassab Tezgör is professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Bilkent Univesity, Ankara. Her research interests include the terracotta figurines of Myrina (Anatolia) and Alexandria (Egypt) during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and the amphorae produced in Black Sea during Roman times. She has been coordinating an international team working on the Black Sea amphorae in the Museums of the Turkish Black Sea coast since 2002. She is author of Catalogue des Lampes en Terre Cuite du Musée Archéologique d'Istanbul, I, Époques préhistorique, archaïque, classique et hellénistique, Varia Anatolica VI, Paris-Istanbul, 1995 (with T. Sezer), Tanagréennes d’Alexandrie, Études Alexandrines 13, Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, Le Caire, 2007, and editor of Sinope. Un état de la question après quinze ans de travaux, Actes du Symposium International, Sinop, 7-9 mai 2009, Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 16-1 et 2 (2010), Éditions Brill, Leyde- Boston, 2011, and Les fouilles et le matériel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci près de Sinope, Varia Anatolica XXII, Istanbul-Paris, 2010.

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